SMS scnews item created by Rafal Kulik at Tue 17 Apr 2007 1507
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 27 Apr 2007
Calendar1: 27 Apr 2007 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Carslaw 373
Auth: rkuli(.ststaff;2434.3001)

Statistics Seminar: Lazarov -- Comparison of Alternative ACD Models via Density and Interval

               *                                            *
               *          UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY              * 
               *                                            *
               *     SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS     *
               *                                            *
               *       STATISTICS SEMINAR SERIES - 2007     *
               *                                            *

                     *        SEMINAR NOTICE    *           


           Comparison of Alternative ACD Models via Density and Interval
                  Forecasts: Evidence from the Australian Stock Market 

                     Zdravetz Lazarov (University of Western Australia) 
                         Friday, 27 April, 2.00pm 

                               Carslaw 373 


In this paper a number of alternative ACD models are compared using a
of data for three major companies traded on the Australian Stock
The comparison is performed by employing the methodology for evaluating
sity and interval forecasts, developed by Diebold, Gunther and Tay
(1998) and
Christofersen (1998), respectively. Our main finding is that the
gamma and log-normal distributions for the error terms have similar
mance and perform better that the exponential and Weibull distributions.
ditionally, there seems to be no substantial difference between the
ACD specification of Engle and Russel (1998) and the log-ACD
specification of
Bauwens and Giot (2000).

This is the joint work with David Allen (ECU), Michael McAleer (UWA) and Shelton
Peiris (U of Sydney).  


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for more information about past and coming seminars.  

Enquiries about the Statistics Seminar: Rafal Kulik, [email protected]