SMS scnews item created by Kevin Coulembier at Wed 1 Feb 2017 0936
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 1 Mar 2017
Calendar1: 6 Feb 2017 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Loop Models and K theory
Auth: [email protected] (kcou7211) in SMS-WASM

Algebra Seminar: Zinn-Justin -- Loop Models and K theory

Paul Zinn-Justin (University of Melbourne) 

Monday 6 February, 12-1pm, place: Carslaw 375 

Title: Loop Models and K theory 


I will describe a connection between certain exactly solvable two-dimensional models of
statistical mechanics, namely loop models ,and the equivariant K theory of the cotangent
bundle of the Grassmannian.