SMS scnews item created by Kevin Coulembier at Thu 14 Jul 2016 1234
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 25 Aug 2016
Calendar1: 29 Jul 2016 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: The telescope conjecture for algebraic stacks
Auth: [email protected] (assumed)
Algebra Seminar: Hall -- The telescope conjecture for algebraic stacks
Jack Hall (Australian National University)
Friday 29 July, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375
The telescope conjecture for algebraic stacks
A celebrated result result of Hopkins and Neeman gives a classification
of triangulated subcategories of the derived category of a noetherian ring.
I will discuss an extension of this to the equivariant setting, which holds
more generally for algebraic stacks. This is joint work with David Rydh (KTH).
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