SMS scnews item created by Kevin Coulembier at Fri 5 Apr 2019 0909
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 17 May 2019
Calendar1: 12 Apr 2019 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: Resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities
Auth: [email protected] (assumed)

Algebra Seminar: Bellamy -- Resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities

Gwyn Bellamy (University of Glasgow) 

Friday 12 April, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375 

Title: Resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities 

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how one can explicitly construct all crepant
resolutions of the symplectic quotient singularities associated to wreath product
groups.  The resolutions are all given by Nakajima quiver varieties.  In order to prove
that all resolutions are obtained this way, one needs to describe what happens to the
geometry as one crosses the walls inside the GIT parameter space for these quiver
varieties.  This is based on joint work with Alistair Craw.