SMS scnews item created by John Enyang at Sun 11 Aug 2013 1452
Type: Seminar
Modified: Thu 22 Aug 2013 1653; Thu 22 Aug 2013 1653
Distribution: World
Expiry: 23 Aug 2013
Calendar1: 23 Aug 2013 1205-1255
CalLoc1: Carslaw 373
Auth: [email protected] (assumed)

Algebra Seminar

Representations on the cohomology of hypersurfaces and mirror symmetry


Friday 23rd August, 12:05-12:55pm, Carslaw 373


Alan Stapledon (University of Sydney)


Representations on the cohomology of hypersurfaces and mirror symmetry


String theory predicts that Calabi-Yau spaces occur in 'mirror' pairs \((X,Y)\). When \(X\) and \(Y\) are smooth this means that the Hodge diamond of \(X\) is the mirror image of the Hodge diamond of \(Y\). We present a new construction that produces infinitely many new 'mirror' pairs of Calabi-Yau orbifolds, and give an explicit description of the corresponding Hodge diamonds. The key is a more general representation theoretic result. Namely, we give an explicit description of the representation of a finite group acting on the cohomology of a hypersurface of a projective toric variety.


We will take the speaker to lunch after the talk.

See the Algebra Seminar web page for information about other seminars in the series.

John Enyang [email protected]