SMS scnews item created by Daniel Daners at Fri 6 Feb 2015 2146
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 17 Feb 2015
Calendar1: 17 Feb 2015 1000-1645
CalLoc1: Macquarie University, W5A T1
CalTitle1: WOMASY - Geometric and Harmonic Analysis meets PDE
Auth: [email protected] (ddan2237) in SMS-WASM

WOMASY - Geometric and Harmonic Analysis meets PDE (at Macquarie Uni)

We hold a second joint day of seminars of the geometric analysis group at the University of Wollongong, the harmonic analysis group at Macquarie University and the nonlinear analysis group at the University of Sydney.

This time the meeting takes place at Macquarie University. Everyone is welcome to attend, see the program for more details

Enquiries to Daniel Hauer or Daniel Daners.

Click on the picture to download the poster announcement
