Robert Marangell
University of Sydney
Mon 23 Sep 2013 2-3pm, Carslaw 829 (AGR)
In this talk I will present the paper Multi-Dimensional Morse Index Theorems and a Symplectic view of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems by J. Deng and C.K.R.T. Jones (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v363 (2011) pp1487-1508). The paper discusses how symplectic geometry can be used to gain understanding of the structure of the solution space of a class of elliptic boundary value problems, and relates the multidimensional case to well-known results from the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. If time, I will talk about my own efforts on extending this result, as well as some new unpublished advancements that have been brought to my attention.
Check also the PDE Seminar page. Enquiries to Florica C�rstea or Daniel Daners.