Giulian Wiggins will give the Seminarâs sixth talk in Semester 2 tomorrow afternoon on Zoom. Please find the details below. Anyone desiring to attend the talk or join the mailing list is warmly invited to get in touch: [email protected]. Title: Grassmannians and the universal bundle Abstract: For any topological group G there is a principal G-bundle EGâ>BG such that for any paracompact space X there is a bijection between homotopy classes of maps Xâ>BG and principal G-bundles over X. As a consequence we will see that rank n (real or complex) vector bundles over X are in bijection with homotopy classes of maps from X to a certain limit of grassmannians. In this talk we explain what this means. You will not need to have attended previous talks in this series to understand this lecture. Time and date: 3 pm Wednesday 23 September Seminar website: