Speaker: Juanita Duque-Rosero (Boston) Title: An algorithm for Computing Local Heights on Hyperelliptic Curves in Quadratic Chabauty Time & Place: Thursday 15 May, 15:00-16:00, SMRI Seminar Rm Abstract: The method of quadratic Chabauty is a powerful tool for determining the set of rational points on curves. A key component of this method is the computation of local height functions. In this talk, we present an algorithm for computing these local heights at odd primes v not equal to p for hyperelliptic curves. Through applications, we demonstrate how this work extends the reach of quadratic Chabauty to curves previously considered inaccessible. Finally, we provide details on the Magma implementation of this algorithm. This is joint work with Alexander Betts, Sachi Hashimoto, and Pim Spelier.