SMS scnews item created by Bill Unger at Mon 9 Feb 2009 1336
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 10 Feb 2009
Calendar1: 10 Feb 2009 1405-1700
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: Computational Algebra Seminar -- Lattices and their Theta Series
Auth: [email protected]

Computational Algebra Seminar -- Lattices and Theta Series

An afternoon of talks on computations with lattices and their theta series.
Carslaw 535, 2-5pm, Tuesday 10 Feb.

Start Time: 2:05pm

Speaker: Damien Stehle
Topic: Enumeration of short vectors

Speaker: Bill Unger
Topic: Lattice automorphism groups

Coffee & Cake

Speaker: Steve Donnelly
Topic: Modular forms and theta series

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