SMS scnews item created by Anne Thomas at Fri 12 Aug 2011 1539
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 19 Aug 2011
Calendar1: 19 Aug 2011 1205-1255
CalLoc1: Carslaw 175
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: Grojnowski
Calendar2: 19 Aug 2011 1435-1525
CalLoc2: Carslaw 175
CalTitle2: Algebra Seminar: Zhang
Auth: athomas(.pmstaff;2039.2002)

Algebra Seminar: Grojnowski, Zhang

There will be two Algebra Seminars on Friday 19 August, the first at the usual time by
Ian Grojnowski and the second at 2.35pm by Hechun Zhang.  Both talks will be in the
usual venue, Carslaw 175.  


Speaker: Ian Grojnowski (University of Cambridge) 

Date: Friday 19 August 

Time: 12.05-12.55pm 

Venue: Carslaw 175 


Almost local differential operators 


I'll sketch a construction for understanding representations of completed group algebras
in terms of sheaves on the flag variety, generalising the Beilinson-Bernstein


Speaker: Hechun Zhang (Tsinghua University) 

Date: Friday 19 August 

Time: 2.35-3.25pm 

Venue: Carslaw 175 


Canonical bases and quantum coordinate rings 


Filtrations of the tensor product of a highest weight module and lowest weight module
over Uq(g) are constructed and applied to study some two-sided ideals of the modified
quantized enveloping algebra.  The corresponding quotient algebras of the modified
quantized enveloping algebra by these ideals are dual to the quantum coordinate ring
defined by Kashiwara.  They also inherit canonical bases from the modified quantized
enveloping algebra.  This is joint work with Li Bin.