SMS scnews item created by Anthony Henderson at Thu 8 Dec 2016 1319
Type: Announce
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2016
Auth: [email protected] (ahen2753) in SMS-WASM

Congratulations to Sean Carnaffan and Adrianne Jenner

At the Australian Mathematical Society conference dinner on December 7 in Canberra, Sean
Carnaffan received an honourable mention for his talk from the judges of the B H Neumann
Prize (which was won, incidentally, by our former Honours student Hao Guo, now a PhD
student in Adelaide).  

Earlier the same day, Adrianne Jenner placed 2nd in the inaugural Three Minute Thesis
competition of this conference.  Daniel Hauer was acknowledged at the dinner for his
work in organizing this competition.  

Congratulations to Sean and Adrianne, and thanks to Daniel!